A Surprising Biochemical Response to Ketoconazole In Post-Chemotherapy mCRPC Men When Compared to the Zytiga Trial Results

It has always been assumed that Ketoconazole, when used for the treatment of men with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), would not be as potent as abiraterone (Zytiga), but there has never been any head to head comparison to demonstrate this assumption! Ketoconazole is a less potent inhibitor of the CYP-17 enzyme, the mode [...]

Duration of Response to Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) and Efficacy of Secondary ADT, Docetaxel and Cabazitaxel in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Men who become castrate resistant in less than 12 months from starting androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) were found to have poor efficacy with a 2nd line of ADT.  However, the development of early castrate resistance did not impair the benefit of any of the docetaxel based chemotherapy. Researchers examined the records of 132 consecutive men [...]

An Early Peek At the Phase III PREVAIL Trial of Enzalutamide (Xtandi) Results – Good For Prostate Cancer

An important update from the phase III PREVAIL study (Xtandi in the pre-chemotherapy stage) was released thsi evening (actually yesterday evening) in advance of a formal presentation this Thursday at ASCO GU. The news is good, no the news is great. Last November the trial of Xtandi in men with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer [...]

A First Victory in Our Fight Against Fail First Therapy – Thanking Health Partners in Minnesota for Their Concern for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Fail First Therapy or Step Therapy has been a topic I have written about in prior posts. It is my considered opinion that as it works its way into the treatment protocols for advanced prostate cancer it will have nothing but a very negative result for our health and longevity. What is Fail First Therapy [...]

Great Video Worth Spending the 9 Minutes Required Discussing Provenge and the Use of Zytiga (Along with Prednisone)

OncLive Peer Exchange has put out a video about the issues that most concern many of us surrounding the use of Provenge (Sipuleucel-T).   The video is a 9 minute discussion with Drs. Raoul Concepcion (moderator), Leonard Gomella, Lawrence Karsh, Evan Yu and Mark Scholtz.  They examine the concern that so many men with advanced prostate [...]

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