I have been asked why I spend time banging my head against the wall to try and call attention to the plight that men with advanced prostate cancer endure. My initial decision to get involved stemmed solely from both my frustration and my extreme anger that there were no support services for men with advanced prostate cancer. Eduction programs and translations of the scientific mumbo-jumbo so that everyday people could begin to understand did not exist. I live in metropolitan New York, where I discovered, there were No support groups for men with advanced disease!
How frustrating and how unbelievable. So I took to heart the writings of Hillel, a 1st Century Rabbinic Sage who wrote,
“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.”
We all are somebody, we all need to do something about that.
Joel T Nowak, M.S.W., M.A.
And, thank you Joel
You are very Right Joel. I keep seeing pink this and pink that…not that I shouldn’t see it on TV nor do I object…all cancers need to be highlighted, but that I never see blue. And, if I do ask the question..”Why isn’t prostate cancer getting attention”? I get the “Well, that isn’t a real threat to life like breast cancer is” look and even comments affirming that look.
A guy dies in the community..”what did he die of” one asks
“Dunno” comes the answer…”think I heard prostate cancer”. To which one thinks… don’t really matter does it?
Oh, just like death from old age or something similar.
That’s enuff..I said my say…
I go to your website everyday for info. My aching PC cancer racked bones think you everyday for all your efforts. May we both benefit from some cure in the near future. God speed, jimmy