In addition to medical treatment, some cancer patients want to try complementary therapies. Complementary therapies include acupuncture, herbs, biofeedback, visualization, meditation, yoga, nutritional supplements, and vitamins. Some prostate cancer patients feel that they benefit from some of these therapies.
Before you try any of these therapies, you should discuss their possible value and side effects with your medical doctors. You should let them know if you are using any such therapies. Be aware that these therapies may be expensive, and some are not paid for by health insurance. As with any treatment, you should ask the therapist for evidence of how the therapy has helped others.
Prostate Cancer Prevention Plan by Dr. Charles “Snuffy” Myers
Teaching men to take care of their health early on will only reduce the risk of their getting prostate cancer in their fifties. So many men in this country start thinking about their health later in life and it’s so important to get the word out before it’s too late.
The research suggests that a diet high in animal fat greatly increases the risk of getting and dying from prostate cancer (as well as cardiovascular disease) and simple lifestyle alterations now can save a lot of men a great deal of problems in the future.
In addition to diet, I recommend that all men get a baseline PSA (Prostate Specific Androgen) check at 35 and that all men over 45 have it checked annually. Keep in mind, though, that there’s no definitive evidence to indicate when men should begin getting tested: this is just my personal opinion.
If a large portion of men experiencing the treatments and side effects of this disease can effectively communicate the need for prevention awareness to a younger portion of the population, think of how many lives could be improved if not saved? The statistics do not lie.
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes combined with exercise and relaxation is the foundation for a comprehensive approach to prostate cancer prevention as well as treatment. I can’t stress enough that simply reducing your fat intake when you’re young can be the determining factor for living a long and healthy life.
Many of you have sons (or grandsons or nephews) yourself. Don’t let them fall victim to the same disease that’s plaguing you. Please give them a copy of the prevention plan. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s essential for young men to understand that simple dietary habits they adopt now can greatly reduce their risk of developing this common, but treatable, form of cancer in later life.