If we are to be successful as a cause, each of us needs to make a personal and heartfelt commitment to care about each other collectively… to see every man directly impacted by this disease, regardless of his experience both as it relates to his general human experience and his outcome as it relates to prostate cancer, as an ally and someone worthy of compassion… to respect and embrace our differences and diversity – and to act collectively… embracing all impacted by this disease as one family.

So let’s start here this Thanksgiving!

Let’s be thankful for the time with family and friends – it is limited for those men who have missed their opportunity for early detection and effective treatment and are struggling with advanced disease -and truly a gift to cherish.

Let’s also be thankful for physicians dedicated to promoting quality personalized healthcare that have spared some men from potentially devastating unnecessary side-effects associated with overly aggressive treatment of low risk disease.

Let’s commit collectively to advancing standards of care that support optimal quality and quantity of life for all men diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!