The Benefit of Using Local Prostate Cancer Therapy for Men with Lymph Node Positive Disease

In an issue of ONCOLOGY, there was a review of the literature provides us with a comprehensive review of the limited literature on management of men with prostate cancer who have pelvic lymph node involvement but no known distant metastatic disease at diagnosis. Common folklore has been that these men, with limited pelvic lymph node [...]

Adjuvant Radiotherapy Benefits Survival in Subsets of Men With Node-Positive Prostate Cancer

In an analysis of outcomes reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, men who were diagnosed with lymph node-positive prostate cancer (no bone involvement) who went on to receive targeted radiation (adjuvant radiotherapy)  enjoyed a survival benefit over those individuals who did not have this therapy. This finding was specifically for men with both low-volume [...]

Using choline-C11 PET/CT Scans To Predict Survival In Men With Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Choline-C11 PET/CT scans can identify the actual sites of recurrence of prostate cancer in men who have a rising PSA after receiving primary therapy. The question worth asking is if this type of scan might be able to be used for prognostic purposes. Knowing this might influence our treatment decisions as well as our basic [...]

The Well Reviewed Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer (A Survivor Perspective) Has Been Updated and is Now Available for a free Download

Somehow I have been negligent and not let people know that I have written and posted a major update of my “Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer.” As in the past, it is available as a free download from the Malecare web site. Helping me to update the book was prostate cancer survivor Craig Pynn and [...]

From ASCO – Early Radiation Might Increase Survival

I have been at American Association of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO) since last Thursday.  On the prostate cancer front the most exciting part of the meeting has been our being in Chicago and that the weather which has been fantastic. The only truly newsworthy thing that I have come across so far has been an abstract [...]

Toxicity Analysis of Lymph Node Irradiation for Men with Prostate Cancer Treated with IMRT

The standard of treatment for men who have a localized recurrence in lymph nodes (LN) after surgery is intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) as well as with men who have high-risk prostate cancer which includes cancer in both the prostate and seminal vesicles (SV).  As with all treatments the use of IMRT comes with many [...]

Overusing Radiation to Treat Bone Pain in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Extra radiation will not keep the doctor away, so why do we use it? According to a recent study published in the Oct. 9 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association most men who are given radiation to control pain from bone metastasis accompanying advanced prostate cancer undergo more treatments than they really [...]

PET/MR Imaging More Efficacious for Mapping Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Approximately one third of all men diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer will experience a recurrence of their prostate cancer! This is a shocking number, but it is a true number. It does not matter what the treatment a man has, the statistic holds up across all treatments. The first sign of a problem, a [...]


A joint task force composed of members from the American Urological Association (AUA) and the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) has presented formal guidelines for the use of adjuvant and salvage radiation after a radical prostatectomy. To construct the Guideline they relied on a systematic review of the literature using the Pubmed, Embase and [...]

An Alternative to Radiation for Pain Relief Of Painful Bone And Soft-Tissue Tumors – Microwave Ablation

Currently as our advanced prostate cancer progresses and we develop bone and soft tissue tumors our pain increases significantly. Current treatment options for the palliation of this pain includes painkillers (including opioids and methadone), radiation and in rare incidents surgery. All of these options have significant limitations. Drugs eventually become less effective, especially for breakout [...]

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